Colour theory part two

Following Colour theory part one a lesson about the effect that colours have on each other.

The aim of this lesson is that students discover the effect of primary and secondary colours on one another.

You need:

  1. two sheets of white or black paper, A3 size

  2. coloured sheets in red, yellow, blue, orange, green and purple

  3. glue

Pre-cut squares of coloured paper. Per student you need: 5 squares of 5 by 5 cm in all six colours and five squares of 3 by 3 cm in all six colours.

Repeat the terms primary and secondary colours and name the colours. Tell students they will see today how the colours interact. What would be yellow on blue? What about red on purple? What colours would stand out well, what not? Try to discover how we can systematically investigate. Eventually you come to the following concept:

A. primary on primary.

B. primary on secundary.

C. secundary on primary.

D. secundary on secundary.
primary on primary

A. Primary on primary.
To make all combinations of primary on primary to make you need 2 large and 2 small squares of all primary colours. Ask students to find out how, or give them the solution:
- blue on yellow and red on yellow

- yellow on blue and red on blue

- yellow on red and blue on red

Paste all combinations on a sheet of white paper. Write under it: primary on primary.

secundary on primary

B. Secundary on primary.

To make all combinations of  secundary on primary, you need 3 large squares of each primary colour and three small squares of each secundary colour. Ask students to find out how, or give them the solution:

- orange on yellow, purple on yellow, green on yellow
- green on blue, orange on blauw, purple on blue

- purple on red, green on red, orange on red

Paste all combinations on a sheet of white paper. Be sure the big squares in the same colour are next to each other. Write under it: secundary on primary.

primary on secundary

C. Primary on secundary.

To make all combinations of primary on secundary, you need 3 big squares of each secundary colour and 3 small ones of each primary colour. Ask students to find out how combinations have to be made, or give them the solution:

- yellow on orange, blue on orange, red on orange
- yellow on purple, blue on purple, red on purple

- yellow on green, blue on green, red on green

Paste all combinations on a sheet of white paper. Be sure the big squares in the same colour are next to each other. Write under it: primary on secundary.

secundary on secundary

D. Secundary on secundary.
To make all combinations of secundary on secundary, you need 2 big and 2 small squares of each secundary colour. Ask students to find out how combinations have to be made, or give them the solution: 

- purple on green, orange on green

- orange on purple, green on purple

- purple on orange, green on orange

Paste all combinations on a sheet of white paper. Write under it: secundary on secundary.

Ask students after making this work to discuss see which colors are most contrasting, which you hardly see, etc.

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Colour theory part one

By students of grade 2
You need:
  1. black cardboard 15 by 15 cm

  2. coloured paper in yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green

  3. scissors

  4. glue

  5. pencil

Fo the first part of a lesson on colour theory, we repeated primary and secundary colours and showed how to make secundary colours out of primary colours. Students knew those colours, but didn't know the names. Tell them about the complementary colours, the colours that lie opposite each other in the circle, called complementary. Red is opposite green, yellow against purple, blue opposite orange.

The primary colors red, yellow and blue are in a triangle. The same goes for the secondary colours orange, green and purple.

Tell students to cut 6 shapes from the coloured sheets and paste them on black paper as discussed.

Use a pencil to draw triangles in dotted lines between the primary and secondary colours.

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Portrait of your schoolmate

Made by students of grade 5
You need:

  1. drawing paper A4 size

  2. colour pencils

  3. watercolour paint

  4. brushes

  5. coloured ribbed cardboard

  6. stapler

After an instruction about proportions of a head, students draw their classmate who is sitting in front of him. The portraits are coloured with colour pencils, the background is painted with watercolour paint. The frames are made from coloured ribbed cardboard strips.

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ATC's from Australia

We received an envelope full of the most beautiful artist trading cards from Anna Pietrolungo and her students on Essendon North Primary School, Australia. The envelope came just in time, because my 6th graders will leave our school this week.

Thanks a lot Anna, for these beautiful cards. My students were very excited and will get one of these cards on their last day of school.

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