In the style of Niki de Saint Phalle

You need:

  1. newspapers torn in strips

  2. wallpaper paste

  3. paper towels

  4. tempera paint

  5. varnish

  6. brushes

  7. yarn

  8. white wall paint

Niki de Saint Phalle
(1930 - 2002) was a French painter and sculptor. She made reliefs in plaster and other materials. Especially her feminine 'Nana's' are famous. These large sculptures of women painted in bright expressive colours are world famous and to be seen in several major cities in the world.

Show some pictures of Niki de Saint Phalle on the digital board. Discuss the salient features: bright colours, black outlinesof the colour patches - including circles, often (thick) women without a clear face. Then show images of the sculptures in Paris (google Nikki de Saint Phalle and Paris). What is different about these images? Those sculptures are the famous female characters, but they do have the typical De Saint Phalle characteristics.


Students are going to create an artwork of paper mache with at least one hole in it and two protruding parts. Provide at least eight layers of newspaper finish with paper towels.
Paint the sculpture after drying with white wall paint and let dry. Paint then in the style of Saint Phalle using bright colors.

Wait until the paint is dry and paint the black lines using a small brush or use a black marker. Paint with varnish. Pull a thread through the hole and hang the work.


Artworks made by students of grade 5

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Art cows


Artworks made by students of grade 2

You need:

  1. 3 sheets of drawing paper 15 by 15 cm

  2. colour pencils

  3. coloured paper for background

  4. glue

Students have to draw three different cows: a realistic one, a cubistic one and a cow in just blue colours like the Dutch pottery from Delft.

Paste those three works on a strip of coloured construction paper.

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Half chicken

You need:

  1. drawing sheet A4 size

  2. oil pastels

  3. blue liquid water colour

  4. brush

  5. jar with water

In this lesson students draw one chicken together. Fold a sheet in half and draw a half chicken. Colour with oil pastels. Draw with white oil pastel one or more eggs. Give the sheet folded to a fellow student, and be sure he does not see what was drawn. Tell what there has to be drawn, the head or the body. Mark with two little lines the places where the fellow student has to connect and draw a mark for the hight of the horizon line.

If the second student is ready, they fold up the sheet open. Hilarious!

Paint the whole drawing with blue water colour paint and lots of water. The oil pastels will resist the water and thus the white eggs come forward again.


Artworks made by students of grade 3

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Sunrise in the style of Roy Lichtenstein

A lesson is originally from Phyl's site, There's a dragon in my artroom. Check out her site for more!

You need:

  1. drawing sheet A3 size

  2. tempera in red, blue, yellow, white and black

  3. brushes

  4. jar with water

Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997) was an
American popart artist. He is best known for his enormously enlarged cartoons. After his art studies in New York and Columbus Liechtenstein teached art himself. In his spare time he painted abstract paintings and made parodies of American art from the twenties. In1960 he came into contact with Claes Oldenburg and the style elements from advertising and comic strips. He started to use use grids, dots, black outlines and bright colours, the style who made him famous. From 1962 Lichtenstein used the works of Monet, Picasso and Mondrian as the inspiration for his art and he paints sunsets in their style. Most of his work however is based on advertisements and cartoons.

Show artwork of Liechtenstein on the digital board and discuss the characteristics: primary colours sometimes with green, 
text balloons, raster dots as we know from newspaper photographs and thick black outlines. Show at the end the work 'Sunrise'. Ask students how they can recognize this work as a Lichtenstein.

The students are instructed to paint a sunrise in the style of Lichtenstein. All Lichtenstein characteristics as discussed so, have to be seen in their painting.

Artworks are made by students of grade 5

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Lighthouses along the coast

You need:

  1. drawing sheet A6 size (postcard)

  2. watercolour paint

  3. brushes

  4. jar with water

  5. scissors and glue

What are lighthouses? Where can you find them and why there? Why did we need them, and do we still need them?

Show pictures of lighthouses on the digital board and discuss them. What does a lighthouse look like? What colour is often used? Where is the lamp of the lighthouse? Where's the door?

For the background students paint with watercolour paint a simplified landscape of air and soil. The paint should be dilluted with a lot of water to get soft colours. The sheet doesn't need to be painted completely, it is even better to leave the edges white. Put this painting aside to dry.

Then sketch a lighthouse on a second sheet of paper. Paint it with watercolour paint, using less water now to be sure the colours really stand out.

Let the work dry and cut the lighthouse. Paste it on the painted background.

Made by students of grade 3

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