High legged elephant in the style of Salvador Dali

A great lesson from colleague blogger of Artisan des Arts.

You need:

  1. white drawing sheet A4 size

  2. markers (not waterproof)

  3. brush

  4. jar with water

  5. chalk pastels

  6. felt

  7. scissors and glue 

Show some surrealistic artworks of Dali. Show The elephants. Discuss the realistic (the body of the elephant) and the surrealistic parts (house on the back, high legs) of this work.

Students draw a Dali inspired elephant and trace it with a marker. I gave them some 'how to draw' templates. Take a wet brush and go over the lines, so the water turns into watercolour. Let dry.

Draw a horizon line and a sun. Colour the background with chalk pastels and blend with your fingers. Draw shadows of the elephant's legs. Maybe they don't have the right direction, but that's part of surrealism!

Cut a piece of felt for a blanket, decorate it and paste it on the elephant.

All artworks are made by students of grade 4

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Catching snowflakes


Made by students of grade 4

You need:

  1. blue construction paper

  2. oilpastel crayons

  3. fiberfill 

  4. glue 

I don't know who was the first that posted this lesson ...Who do I link? Artsonia, Pinterest? However, it came across all art blogs lately! 

It's snowing! Look up and try to catch snowflakes with you tongue! What does your face look like when you look up?

Draw a child in a cheerful winter sweater. Colour with oil pastels. Outline with black. Paste a piece of fiberfill on the tongue, and do not forget to draw the snowflakes.

(Source: Artsonia/Pinterest)

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Valentine's heart of felt

Made by students of grade 4

You need:

  1. pink or red felt 

  2. white  embroidery floss

  3. needle

  4. buttons, beads, wobbly eyes

  5. ribbon

  6. fiberfill

  7. glue

Cut two hearts out of felt. Use the blanket stitch to sew them together until you are almost round. Fill the heart with fiberfill and sew the last part. Sew a ribbon at the top of the heart. Decorate the heart by sewing or pasting beads, buttons and/or wobbly eyes. 

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With love .... Farewel to Maureen

Inchies are small pieces of art that make one artwork together. On this page more information and a description of how to make them.

All students of grade 4 said goodbye to Miss Maureen with their own personal all  inchies​​. Ask the students to bring little things from home that belong to them. This can be anything: a hair elastic, a logo of the soccer club, a Lego doll, a balloon, a coin, a piece of a map, an eraser etc.

Cut nine squares of 4 by 4 cm out of different types of paper in various colours  and paste them on a piece of cardboard. Paste the brought objects on these squares. Be sure to make a beautiful composition.

Bye Maureen, and thanks for everything Maureen!

Made by students of grade 4

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